How to Perfect the Library Aesthetic at Home
I recently returned to Edinburgh, Scotland, after 12 years away. I hadn’t been to this magical city since I was a college junior studying abroad there in 2012. Spending time visiting my old stomping grounds reinforced what a special, history-filled, place Edinburgh is, to say the least. (I’m already daydreaming about my next trip back!).
While the concept of dark academia wasn’t something that people talked about a decade ago, I firmly believe that Edinburgh is absolutely the capital of this aesthetic. The mixture of the university setting, historic buildings, tweed jackets, grand castle, and dimly-lit streets, just to name a few things, had me yearning to drop everything and relocate to Scotland. There, I’d surely put together the most charming flat full of moody Victorian pieces, rich, sumptuous fabrics, and plenty of leather-bound books.
Featured image from our interview with Jennifer Vaughn Miller by Belathée Photography.
How to Style the Library Aesthetic Look at Home
While such a move (most likely) isn’t in the cards for me, the good news is that any of us can replicate the library aesthetic in our own houses or apartments. Ahead, I’m going to show you how to do just that. Don’t blame me if you implement these decorating tips and become more of a homebody than ever—they sure are cozy!

Get Moody
Establishing a moody vibe is essential to nailing the dark academia aesthetic. One of the hotels I stayed in during my trip, 100 Princes Street, executed this perfectly. Their upstairs dining area is filled with pops of plaid, boasts multiple fireplaces, and includes worn-in leather chairs that look like they could have been plucked directly from a professor’s office. The nautical paintings in the room also play nicely to the library aesthetic and add a sense of timelessness to the room. Such a space truly is the perfect spot to sit back and sip a cup of tea or thumb through a book. The saturated tones make the room feel ultra cozy, like you’re being enveloped in a big hug.
Forgo the Plain White Walls
You’ll never find a dark academia style space that has plain white walls, nor will you find one with walls that are painted but bare. So bring on the deeply hued paint (maybe a deep blue or green, as pictured below!) or try some wallpaper. Finally, display all of the art! Now is the time to go all in with a gallery wall. Break things up by also hanging some mini mirrors or candle sconces, which will contribute to your desired look while adding visual interest. To save some money, you can weave in some digital downloads from Etsy that are easy to print out at home and often cost just a few dollars. Simply search “dark academia” on the site and you’ll be greeted with tons of options.
Make Your Space Layered, Not Cluttered
The dark academia aesthetic is all about a layered, lived-in look, but it’s important to note that these characteristics do not equal cluttered in a bad way! Yes, it’s more than okay to line an entire wall with books or display a collection of your favorite trinkets (or my personal favorite, bust sculptures) on a shelf. After all, it’s safe to say that dark academia isn’t really for minimalists.
That said, you will want to be sure to keep unsightly items like cords, piles of junk mail, and the like out of sight. This helps to preserve some of the magic that comes with dark academia—you should feel like you’re retreating to another time or place, and keeping reminders of everyday life strewed about won’t allow you to fully evoke that feeling.
Celebrate the Past
On a related note, as it pertains to accessories, think old, not new. Shopping at vintage and antique stores can be a great way to achieve the dark academia aesthetic, and you can definitely score some budget-friendly pieces that will play to this vision. Look for leather-bound books, sculptures and figurines, carved, ornate mirrors, plush armchairs (remember that you can recover anything with great bones), portrait and landscape paintings, and more. Now is not the time to go all in with contemporary pieces such as acrylic side tables or a bouclé sofa.
Shop the Library Aesthetic
Once you start shopping with the library aesthetic top of mind, you might be surprised at what stands out to you. Make a Pinterest board filled with dark academia spaces that inspire you and reference it as you pop from one store to another to help you stay focused!
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