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Lose Belly Fat During Menopause, Tips From a Sports Coach!

Lose belly fat during menopause. Get advice from expert sports coach!
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Menopause often brings unwanted weight, especially around the belly. These changes aren’t just from aging; they’re influenced by numerous factors. But here’s the good news: they are not unavoidable. Ambre Ben Daoud, the founder of the wellness app “Go My Body,” helps women stay fit and slim throughout menopause. Speaking with Grazia, Ambre shares her top tips to lose belly fat after 50 and combat menopausal weight gain.

Effective Exercises to Lose Belly Fat After 50

Aging naturally slows down our metabolism, making calorie-burning less efficient. Ambre warns that without regular physical activity, this slowdown can lead to weight gain and belly fat. Here are the best exercises to lose belly fat after 50 (and they work even if you’re younger!).

  • Planking: “Planking is one of the best exercises to target the abdominal area,” says Ambre. She advises incorporating forearm planks, side planks, and full arm planks into your routine.
  • Hypopressive Abs in Pilates Mode: “This exercise targets the deep transverse muscles of the abdominal strap with precise breathing,” Ambre explains. Unlike fast crunches, hypopressive abs are slow and controlled, reducing injury risk. “Practice for 20 minutes daily to see results!”

Best Sports to Stay in Shape During Menopause

As we age, bones and joints become more fragile, making it essential to choose non-impact sports. Ambre recommends several activities that are perfect for women over 50:

  • Pilates: Pilates, with or without a machine, is ideal at this age. It tones deeply and is perfect for a flat stomach,” Ambre enthuses. It also helps refine the silhouette, improves back support, and enhances cardiovascular health.
  • Brisk Walking:Unless you’ve been a lifelong runner, Ambre advises against starting to run after 50. Instead, she recommends brisk walking for 30-45 minutes three times a week.
  • Muscle Strengthening: Full-body strength sessions without impact help maintain muscle mass and overall body health.
  • Yoga: Yoga is perfect for posture, breathing, and the abdominal area,” says Ambre. Many underestimate yoga’s weight-loss potential, but it benefits both physical and mental health. Since managing stress is crucial for getting back in shape, yoga is a fantastic choice.

Foods to Avoid After 50

  • Sugar: Added sugars, like those in sodas, sweets, and pastries, are weight-gain culprits. Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits, dried fruits, goji berries, or agave syrup.
  • Processed Food: Prepackaged meals, chips, and fast food items are calorie-dense and loaded with saturated fats and sugars. Ambre suggests batch cooking at home to save both calories and time.
  • Alcohol: Heavy drinking can not only expand your waistline but also lead to increased belly fat. Swap out the martinis for a glass of red wine or champagne, which are lower in calories.
  • Trans Fats: Margarine and other sources of trans fats can pile on abdominal fat. Reach for healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, and nuts instead.
  • Refined grains, like white bread, white rice, or white pasta: These are empty calories that provide no nutritional benefits. It is better to choose whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat bread, etc.
  • Gluten: “It can be your belly’s enemy,” warns Ambre Ben Daoud. It actually promotes bloating and stomach aches. “It is therefore important to check if you are not intolerant,” notes the coach.
  • Salt: After the age of 50, we must try to reduce our salt intake because, in addition to making us bloated, it can lead to water retention and abdominal fat gain.

**”Je suis coach sportive et voici la meilleure méthode pour perdre du ventre après 50 ans, à la ménopause”**

This article first appeared on – Author: Virginie Gonçalves

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