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Pushing Kamala Harris To Be More Progressive Is Working

“We have to stop making assumptions that politicians or elected officials are experts in the fields we work in,” Perez-Jordan warns. Many aren’t well-versed in specific issues so they lean on community organizers to understand what is needed. “We had a well-oiled inside outside strategy,” Perez-Jordan describes when recounting Justice League NYC’s role in passing critical legislation to raise the age of when a child can be prosecuted as an adult. Her first step was leaning on something her mentor, Harry Belafonte, told her: there are no permanent friends or enemies, only permanent causes. In the case of the Raise the Age campaign, what should have been an easy win was made more difficult because of the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) where several Democratic state senators opted to caucus with the Republican Party. The IDC had been allegedly standing in the way of progressive legislation. “We had back door, off-the-record meetings with elected officials to educate them on the criminal legal system and to learn how we could better work around the IDC,” Perez-Jordan shared. In the end, the progressive coalition won thanks in large part to this behind-the-scenes effort.

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