Skincare Secrets from 70s and 80s: Keeping a Clean Complexion
Much of the skincare we take for granted today would have been considered a miracle back in the 70s and 80s! So what were their skincare secrets?
Skincare science in 2025 is incredible. At the click of a mouse, we have access to medical-grade skincare and a variety of products that can balance every issue and serve every type of skin well, no matter where you are in the world.
Back in the 80s, and definitely in the 70s, things were different. Skincare products were available, of course, but home skincare routines were a little bit different back then. We’re going to take a look at the skincare routines of women in the 70s and 80s that kept their complexions clear and their skin clean and glowing day to day.

The 70s
The 70s was a revolutionary decade. With lots of personal and historical breakthroughs happening for women all over the world. Women were entering the workforce and the tertiary education sector in greater and greater numbers. So presenting a fresh face on a daily basis was an increasing priority for many.
The hippie movement began maturing in the 1970s and natural eco friendly ingredients for skincare products began catering to that Earth centric ideology. Women who embraced the radical movements of the time didn’t necessarily want to wear conventional makeup (or any makeup at all), but beautiful skin was always appreciated.

Multi-step skincare routines, including a cleanser for the face, tone, and a moisturizer had already been embraced for quite some time, though sun protection at any time other than when by the beach or a lake wasn’t likely an everyday concern. Demand for organic products and scientific authority in skincare was on the rise, giving all women (as most men were not a part of the skincare community at that time, thanks to the gender norms of the day) easier access to skincare that was good for people and for the planet. Many skincare enthusiasts would choose entirely natural products not technically created for skincare, such as witch hazel for toner or coconut oil for moisturizer and to deepen your tan.
Makeup and skincare counters at malls and department stores became more commonplace, so customers could ask all the questions they wanted about which products would best suit their skin type and concerns.
The 80s
The 80s saw a huge amount of technological advancement. The bare-faced, ethereal, and earthy look and tones favored in the 70s were out and replaced by a bolder look in terms of beauty: bright colors applied with a heavy hand.
Makeup in the 80s was designed to stand out and make the wearer look more powerful, and it was applied liberally. Skincare rose to meet this challenge; since industrial growth was more of a focus of this decade, the number of skincare products available rose, as did the rate of their distribution.
High-tech skincare became a trend in the 80s. Every magazine contained advertisements for the big thing in beauty and skincare. Brands like Ponds and Oil of Olay still had the lions share of the market thanks to extensive advertising campaigns. Indie or “small batch” brands were still not a force in the ’80s skincare market at all.
Taking trips to the beauty salon to have facials done on a more regular basis began to become the norm. Embracing the largely very aggressive home skincare products of the day. And since women in the 80s typically wore a significant amount of makeup, cleansing properly became very important to retain a clear complexion. Oxy pads were one such product; astringents that would sometimes sting on application, they were in vogue to
deal with any acne issues you may have had.
More technological advancements and growing demand led to significant research into skincare and augmentation products like Botox began to appear more and more in the average woman’s routine. As research continued, ingredients like collagen entered the scene, and anti-aging products were introduced as solutions for mature skin and to delay the signs of aging.

Things Have Changed
It’s good to look back at the trends of the past to give us a real appreciation for how wonderful skincare is in the present. The 70s with all their upheaval and radical change, the 80s with their aggressive and empowering looks…things have changed a lot since then!
Skincare is whatever you want it to be in 2025: As complex or simple a routine as you like can be put together with professional advice gleaned from both online and in-person interactions. All skin types and colors are catered to, and with online ordering and delivery, you have access to all the skincare you could ever need from almost anywhere in the world.
Thanks to the ladies of the ’70s and ’80s, we’ve come a long way!
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