What Happened To All The Promises?
Fashion News

What Happened To All The Promises?

Having more Black women at the table is a benefit for all, not just for Black folks. It would significantly reduce PR disasters – including but not limited to non-inclusive foundation ranges, 50 shades of ashy undertones, and poor-quality hair products for Afro and curly hair, among many other common beauty woes the girlies are tired of tussling over on the internet. Having a non-diverse management or C-suite team is a stairway to brand obliteration. A McKinsey & Company 2022 study corroborates this, noting that companies that are diverse, equitable, and inclusive are better able to respond to challenges, win top talent, and meet the needs of varied customer bases. The finding is also backed by another report, published in 2020, that analyzed 1,000 US firms and found that companies with greater gender and ethnic diversity were more likely to outperform their peers. 

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